About Us

Who we are

Clayhall Fisheries

Clayhall Fisheries is a major wholesale supplier of fresh and frozen seafood. At Clayhall Fisheries, we are passionate about bringing you the best of the sea. Our mission is simple: to provide you with the highest quality fresh fish, frozen fish, and fresh & frozen seafood at the most competitive prices worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to sustainability, we are your trusted source for the ocean’s finest bounty.

Why Choose Clayhall Fisheries?

Unparalleled Quality

We believe that quality is non-negotiable. Our team meticulously selects the freshest catch, ensuring every product meets our stringent standards.

Global Reach

We do not just serve local markets – we cater to seafood enthusiasts around the globe.

Sustainability Matters

We understand the importance of responsible fishing. Our commitment to sustainability means you can enjoy our wholesale fresh seafood supplies guilt-free, knowing that we prioritise the long-term health of our oceans.

Competitive Pricing

Quality shouldn't break the bank. We work tirelessly to keep our prices competitive, so you can savour the finest seafood without compromising your budget.

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